Friday, June 7, 2013

Over did it today?

Did I over do it the last couple of days?  Not quite sure I think the weather is playing a factor as well and the fact I really don't have an immune system at the moment.   Strange new pains have started and the pain meds aren't doing a thing, the Costochondritis (kos-toe-KHON-dri-tis) (is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum)) seems to be back in full force.  But also my ribs on the back are hurting when I breath in and out, hoping its not walking pneumonia coming back.  I have been attempting to stretch it out, even that hurts.  And the damn left side of the body is really becoming a pain in my ass.  The RA is flaring big time in my left hand, sharp strange pain in lower left leg.

Thank-ful I have the next week off so we will see what is up, my plan is to go to the coast for my birthday so hopefully I will get this pain under control so I can go to the beach. Also need to find a massage therapist that deals with someone with my unique issues breast cancer and sjogren's, I actually have a prescription for it though my doc isn't sure if my insurance will cover it, but hopefully the ocean will have some magic healing in it.

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