Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Its been a while..

Sorry about the lag in posts I have been having issues with my eyes, there are days when it can't handle black on in black print on white background. That includes the computer and programs like word, excel and the Blogger New Post Page.....

Nothing like a 14 hour nap with crazy dreams and sleeping the day light away, now time to try and put some food in the tummy so I can have some energy. I feel an eye flare from H E double hockey sticks looks like the daylight hours may be over. I was trying to change my schedule back to daylight so I could see people and go to family events, that attempt seems to be a failure. One person will be happy my kitty RileyCoyote Humphrey she likes me up at night to entertain, play and sing to her she don't apparently like to play with other cats (we have tried to find her a feline playmate...FAILURE).

I will have a medical adventure up later this week change in medicine, weight loss, eye issues, skin issues..etc.

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