Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pesky Gland

Still dealing with a swollen partoid gland and swelling in the lymph nodes in my neck.  We are know on round 3 of antiboitics, if this doesn't work I get a CT Scan of the neck and glands.  The pesky glands are interfering with my breathing and sleeping.

My referral has final been sent over to the sleep study peeps, say the work hereditary and having Oncology call means u get in sooner.  It looks like it will be mid April for this dr. appointment.  My ONC basically told me I had to sleep 8 hours, yeah kinda hard when even the oxy your popping like candy.  She looked at my meds again and noticed that I am no longer taking muscle relaxer and then both of realized alot of my issues started after stopping it.  So I am back on muscle relaxer to see if that will assist with the pain and sleeping. 

Pain is quite the word for it, seriously it even hurts more after sleeping the required 8 hours. I am also suppose to start gargling a mixture of water and baking soda to help with the throat issues.

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