Speaking of flashbacks, I remember KB my coworker finding me
my first sofa, you can find all kinds of
stuff at the end of the semester, those out staters leave everything on the
corner, KB and I believe Eric helped load it and up and take it to my living
room. It was the ugliest plaid sofa
ever, a quick trip to Walmart for a cover and some cleaner. Had the sofa for a year till Mom showed up
and bought me a sofa, then took me to the flea market for a frame and mattress
(yeah and when I read an article about bed begs, I bought me a new set like 5
years later…lol) I was sleeping on a mattress I believe was borrowed from my
another Aunt and Uncle Chellie and Hubert if I am not mistaken. My recliner came from my Aunt had it through
all five years of college, 3 apartments till it finally died got about 8 years
that was just me, it was about 15 when I got…lol…. Dad bought me a new one around 2007 for
Christmas, it too is on its last leg, but will have to last longer, have to get
Carrie to perform surgery on her.
I did buy a unfinished table for dinning but who uses a dining
room it is now my work station or will be when I get in my Workshop down
here. My first dinning set that mom
bought went to Dad and the Garage it didn’t last long, Noland is getting good
use out of my washer and dryer that um…yeah Mom bought. I hear what did you buy…ummm The George Forman,
the wok, and all my electronics, and a car.
Why this obsession with Harry Potter? Witches and shape-shifter human to wolf, has
always been my favorite genre by far, I grew up watching Charmed, I dream of
genie, and Bewitched. That and I believe
it was after the 6th film of Harry Potter the Half Blooded Prince,
that I got dx with Stage IV. My goal was
to read all the books and see all the movies before I died, after the last movie
my goal was to go Universal, did that, now it is to go back when the open the
other side Diagon Alley and London, and also go to England to the Harry Potter
On the health front
still crappy damn if I do and damn if I don’t, do nothing swelling less pain,
do something pain, and even more pain and more swelling….lol……..They have
increased the Methoxtrate which appears not to be doing very much except making
my injuries take longer to heal. Heat
means my joints are less likely to hurt but the eyes will as the dryness and
burning sensation take full stage and the dry mouth which means way too many
bathroom breaks at night. No or little
heat means pain from hell and my joints literally not figuratively freeze but
hey my eyes want be dry. I have got to
email the doctor’s about the heat rash since I am on the Methoxtrate currently
have zinc oxide covering it but it doesn’t fell normal feels like a very bad
sun burn.
On the bright side it is a lot easier being one level being
able to open the door and take a walk in the woods under the shade. Although I now have to wear my shades even
more including indoors, and having to use a flashlight to light the book page
so I can read it, is a pain. I have to
email the cancer hospital to get me into to see the eye doctor; I call no appts
available my buddy from the Cancer Center Calls and Bam an appointment whenever
I want……
In summary my sjogren’s is going wild, arthritis running
wild, swelling, retaining water, burning eyes, and swollen glands, and pains I
am not quite sure what is causing it. The experts say exercise will help the pain,
yeah well my joints apparently have a different manual, my Raynauds is also
getting worse, trying to keep that under-control means the eyes take hit…ughhhhh. I also got to fill out SSDI papers and figure how much money I don't have...lol............
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