Friday, July 5, 2013

Um Mother Nature enough with the Rain

New pains, strange pains, which non of my meds really work.  My platelet counts must be low since I  looked down today after work and saw three new bad bruises on my left arm, yeah didn't hit anything so I am not sure what is causing them.  It looks like another is forming on my right arm, I guess we will see in the morning if I get any more. 

I get to visit the lovely cancer hospital this Tuesday, which means I get to do some window shopping at the new doll store I found in Chapel Hill.  I have already spent my entertainment money for the month so I will not be able to purchase anything. 

I am not sure what is up with this weather of raining on the weekend but mother nature needs to give a girl a break.  Cause rain means I wake up with pain like I just tore my ACL on my left knee, to the point I have to take a pain pill in order to get back to sleep.  Basically both my knee's, ankles, neck, spine between shoulder blades are all areas that showed degenerative arthritis on my last bone scan.  And every time it rains the pain comes some days worse than others, just another thing in the daily struggle to make it another year while give the double bird to both Cancer and Autoimmune.

I was going thru my bills, insurance, and appointments, looks like I need to make 4 appointments, the Eye doctor which I did twice online still haven't got an appointment so I will get the cancer center to call, amazing how fast that can find appointment then, have to make an appointment with my GYN, Neurology to go over my sleep study and GI to figure out my digestive issues.  I am also going to talk to the ONC about seeing the nutritionist to figure out what I can and can't eat.  I have been doing some research so I am going to have the doc test to see what some of my vitamin levels are, and also about getting Ritalin to help with my concentrating.  It is frustrating not to be able to multitask like I could before all this crap.  I was suppose to see some doctor about the Ritalin but the new scheduler who replaced my favorite girl (she got promoted) sucks at doing his job, so I got to talk with my favorite girl who is his supervisor about getting my appointments scheduled as my doctor instructed.

I got to start preparing my self for my new schedule in the fall of practice in the early am we haven't had practice this early since I was in school to be exact the 2000-2001 season when the team had to walk from Reynolds to Lee Field, I drove often picking up part of the team and dropping them off at Bragaw to make it look like the I wasn't suppose to drive them over...Since then 8am practices was only doing preseason but now it will be the entire season.  On the bright side I will get off around 3/4 pm since I will be in work at 630/7am.

Hoping the fatigue doesn't hit me again like it did last season by the end of October it took till basically know to get my energy back with the help of a diet change, medication changes and tweaking habits. If the fatigue hits again that may seal the deal for disability, which actually wouldn't start for about a year do to the amount of vacation and sick time.  Although my sick leave has taken a beaten since I haven't been able to work a full 8 hour in back to back days for a good while.  It is frustrating but I have to listen to my body which is on a crazy system one day energy, next day crash and I am doing the same thing, this is why its frustrating.   Some days my body will be fine with 8 hours the next it needs 14 hours, with my activities being exactly the same.  With Sjogren's they say keeping the same schedule and getting exercise to deal with the joints, yeah that doesn't work for me. 

Really why does my body have to do the opposite of what is normal?
Wondering what my ONC has planned for me on Tuesday, I guess I will have to wait and see, my next appointment with my Rheum is August 1.

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