Friday, February 22, 2013

Attack on the Peripheral Nervous System.

Swollen gland, constantly applying chap stick, finally had to give in to the eye drops which means more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ since the eye doctors said I need to use 4+ times a day, and we know my body has to have the expensive stuff preservative free, mouth acting up even brushing teeth equals burning sensation since the mouth is flared up.  Basically it is like when u have a cut and u pour hydrogen peroxide on it and it stings/burns yeah that is what my mouth is like X10 with anything including water.  
And now the scalp and head are joining in on the party, before it was maybe once every 3 months and would just happen once, yeah now every other day.  The easiest way to describe the irritation/pain it feels like when u sleep on your arm wrong and when it starts to wake up it tingles.  Um yeah that is what is going on with the entire head all the way to the neck; it actually hurts to brush the hair, even barely touching my face causes irritation.   I looked this up in the Sjogren’s Syndrome survival guide, yes I was surprised to that there is an actual book and apparently the latest issue confirms that my body is now attacking the Peripheral Nervous System since all my symptoms are listed in each paragraph.  My doctor had mentioned that possibility in one of my previous appointment but then it wasn’t flaring up as much as the glands, and joints.  From what I read the peripheral nerves also controls the gland production which was the first thing I lost costing me over $20,000 in dental and still climbing. 

I have lost a  significant  amount of sensation in my feet and hands, I cut my foot the other day and didn’t know it till I looked down at work, didn’t feel a thing.  Right now my left pinky has totally loss feeling my body no longer regulates temperature correctly and sweating? What is this u speak of, yeah I lost that ability during Chemo.  That is why u see Carrie bundling up in sweats and a blanket me in a tee and shorts and the temperature is like 50, feels fine to my not so much to Carrie.   So far my motor skills aren’t involved and I hope to keep it that way.   This is also what is more than likely causing my digestive system issues I have an appointment on Monday to determine what medicines I will need to add to help to regulate the digestive system but also help with the fatigue and lack of concentration. 

From what I can tell from researching there is really nothing that can be done to help alleviate the attacks on my Peripheral Nervous System.  I will be sending an update on the latest flares to my Rheumatologist to see if there is anything to try since I don’t see him until April.  

On the bright side and confirmed by several coworkers the addition of Vitamin D and Fish Oil and back to sleep less than five hours I apparently look more rested.  Problem is less than 5 hours of sleep is what got me into the vicious cycle of several weeks no sleep, than several weeks of sleeping all day, really can we get some middle ground? 

Thanks to tax refund I am caught up on all my medical bill payments for now, since I just had some expensive procedures and $300 copay that I told them to bill me, especially since I just gave them $300.  I was also able to final replace my broken laptop, affectingly known as Chemobuddy that I take with me to the hospital on my multiple monthly visits, I pod is good an all but hard to surf internet on that.   And this one can actually play Sims 3 on it and is faster than my old desktop, know I am set with having to wait FOREVER for the doctor on clinic days.  That is what the most frustrating part of this whole situation is the mounting cost just to see tomorrow sunrise.

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