Thursday, July 31, 2014

And the crappy dx continue

Not a good sign when the eye doctor states I haven't seen this in an eye for a LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG time.  Really only I would get something that shocks a doctor who has been in the business longer than I have been alive.  On top of that I have already had both my top and bottom tear ducts cauterized and apparently they have reopened.   To make it worse I have the smallest tear ducts they have ever seen.   Many may remember my description of needles and the smell of skin burning in a previous post they wanted to do it in the office again, me HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOO, so that means I have to be put to sleep and get in done in the OR.  So now I am waiting for the surgery coordinator to call and schedule some surgery that is probably gone to be expensive as hell.

I didn't catch all the terms the eye doctor was throwing out but apparently my eyes are REALLY Bad to the point the doctor was apologizing.  Basically my eyes are seriously  inflamed he rattled off 3 distinct areas of 2 in my left eye and one in my right eye. So I get to add more than likely very expensive steroid eye drops to go along with the already expensive night gel.  So not looking forward to going to the pharmacy where there is already a $40 lotion for my hands waiting with my new eye medicine.

One of the new words in my vocabulary is "Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis is characterized as an inflammation of the superior bulbar conjunctiva with predominant involvement of the superior limbus, an adjacent epithelial keratitis, and a papillary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva."     

This is making me really nervous since I am having issues with my ears as of late, and the fact I have always had issues with my Eustachian tubes being swelling, which more than likely means my ears are under attack as well, so that will be another fun appointment.  Unlike my eyes my ears I believe have been under attack since I was 6 months old, since only steroid shots worked when my Eustachian tubes swelled.  

Tomorrow I will need to reschedule my Rheumatology Appt., make an Appt with the ENT to check the Ears, Oncologist to scan my ass to check on my cancer, the Dermatologist to figure out the freaking red spots on my skin, and no telling who else oh yeah the Dentist which may be a long time off since Dental insurance is crap and you have to pay upfront so that appointment will be a lonngggggggg way off.   When I say expensive we are still paying off $12,000 from the Chemo and Sjogren's.

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