Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ugh that time again the 3 month appointment

Tomorrow I get to spend the afternoon at the cancer hospital, not sure if it will be a short or long visit.  I have a feeling an x-ray of my hands my be on the agenda and a call to my Rheumtoloigst.  I carry the RA factor and one of the first questions I get is if my hands are swollen and my joints are checked out.  Well it it will be a month on the 19th that my hands have been swollen and my joints very painful some more than others. I have been wearing the arm brace which helps some of the swelling but does noting for the pain.  They seem to be gradually getting worse making simply tasks more difficulty and frustration, just today one of my coworkers asked does it hurt to write and type, the look on my face was all she need to know.   My pain medicine helps out some but not really, they are also ice cold a lot of the times, and beyond sensitive at times.  The knees, feet, ankles and elbows are joining in but not to the extent of the hands.

I have added new items to my diet that seem to be helping with the digestive system and energy, added blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple (limited burns mouth, but I love the taste), bananas and watermelon.  This has allowed me to work water back in to the system, meat rise I rotate between smoked salmon, shrimp, steak (stir fry cut), sausage, hamburger, eggs and bacon.  I am still not eating the amount of calories I need to start burning some of the weight I gained during chemo from the steroids.  I am going to see if the ONC doc can get me in with the nutritionist.  I know now that processed food and anything with additives does not do well in my digestive system.

My sister has started a small garden on our back patio, she harvested some potatoes the other day.  Potatoes are one of the foods we eat alot, her plan is to expand it to add onions, okra, watermelon, and tomatoes.   I told her we need to start going to the farmers market, because damn grocery stores especially Harris Tetter I actually had to walk out the same strawberries sold at food lion 3 for 5 was 2 for 7, really?  and the meat 4 to 5 food lion, 8 to 10 @ Harris tetter...NOT

It will be another 2 weeks before I get the sleep study done to see if I have Sleep Apnea.

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