Friday, March 1, 2013


Not sure if exhausted is quite the word for it and I really didn’t do anything went to work, did a couple loads of laundry, put some hurdles up and then came home.   It wasn’t till I went out to pick up some sesame oil that it hit me spent 2 hours shopping and now back at home.  The ringer on the phone has been cut off, getting food in my tummy and then a little medical research.  I have a feeling I will not be waking up till after noon tomorrow.   I have an appointment on Monday with the ENT so he can take a look at my lovely swollen parotid gland we are going on about 8 months of this thing being swollen.  It gets bigger than goes back down but is constantly swollen, massaging and heat pads due nothing, heat actually makes it worse.  I actually found another online support group of women who have sjogren’s and came across a natural remedy which is why I was out getting sesame oil to hopefully help with this swollen parotid gland.  Also waiting on an apt with the sleep study department at UNC, since Sleep Apnea seems to also run in the family apparently my Dad has it bad and my sister is waiting on her final results.   I am thinking this may be contributing to the fatigue already being caused by the Sjogren’s.

A long soak in Espsom Salt will also be on the agenda tomorrow, as well as oil pulling ( and plain rest.   It is nice to know that there are others that are facing some of the same issues that I am but I still haven’t found anyone that has both Sjogren’s and Stage IV cancer.   The Vitamin D and Fish oil seem to increase the energy by about an hour but it comes with a cost the crash afterwards.  This results in frustration and irritation.  Luckily spring break is this week which means a shorter schedule and plenty of time to get ready for the Relays without overdoing anything.  

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