I am pretty sure I overdid it this weekend, life has become a very delicate operation always trying to find the middle ground. On Saturday I had to run to the drug store for medications, then watched my Uncle pull down trees with a excavator and seeing a huge snake drop a good distance as my Uncle pulled the stump out of the ground and up in the air. It was impressive Uncle Downy could easily take out 100 trees in a day not bad considering he is like 73 still working over 40's a week, and still finds time to shrimp and fish. My other uncle (65) was cutting the tree's up, loading logs on his trailer moving them to his little lumber yard, then jumping on his tractor and pulling the log to the lumber yard. my other uncle
Today spent more time outside climbing over logs and walking in the woods several times each time showing Skylar were the buried artifacts are in the woods. I had used her metal detector during the week when she was at school and had marked some spots. I showed her the military gas can I found, and a piece that at first glance looks like a portable toilet lid but then I was like its metal? As I am cleaning the dirt off with my bare hands a thought came across hmmmmmm this might not be mud, I could be wiping 19th century crap off with my hands and possible digging a latrine. We dug out another hole by a large pine and found an old spool of wire. At the bone fire tonight with my cousins, aunt and sister I brought up our discover which lead inevitable to a trip down memory lane.
From the 3 par put put course behind the now gone but forever loved tree house in the 1980's then it went to a little further back to late 1950 and 1960's. My Aunt tells us how when they were little the military did exercises on the family land, we had heard in passing about it but had long forgotten. She talked about the helicopters, the fact that they had left MRE's that her brothers discovered in the woods. Then It hit me that is probably where the gas can came from and that spool of wire, makes me wounder what else we will find. My aunt went on to tell us how they use to water the helicopters land, which made us remember as children how low the helicopters flew, being able to actually see the Marines in the copter.
She then talked about how the big planes would fly buy dumping chemicals to combat fire ants. And how the Military planes would drop candy from the plane and they would come down via little parachutes. I was thinking how cool that would be, but I highly doubt we ever see that again. It kills me the stories of our parents childhood, I am hoping to document all them as I work on the family tree which is complicated due to small population up until the Military came to town. Even our childhood is far better and more interesting than most kids these days who have no idea what an imagination is or how to play outside or create games with little or no equipment. I remember not too long ago explaining to my double first cousins daughters how life was before the cell phone, computer and internet my Aunt was laughing they were all quiet there jaws dragging the floor, OMG wait how did u know when and where to meet ur friends...lol
In other news my cellphone crapped out a while ago so I have to wait till I get my check to get a cheap phone. I still need to make an eye appointment and dermatology both are victims of my overactive immune system which has seemed to hit all systems. I am pretty sure it is starting an all out attack on circulation which isn't good since my paternal family line has a history of veins turning into ulcers. My next scan is in November and scan anxiety is already creeping into the mind. It doesn't help that every since I missed that week of low dose Chemo pills my entire system has been out of sync. The pain seems to be getting worse meaning less time to do things and more pain to clench your teeth thru. North Carolina legislation and needs to get off their ass and approve medical marijuana like other states have been doing especially since it has already been proven by the federal gov't itself that it can relieve chronic pain and cure some cancer's. I would prefer a drug that is cheaper and I can grow myself, so far I qualify for Medical Marijuana in all states that have passed it.