Yet even more prescriptions added and it would be more expensive crap, my bank account wasn't happy when the cost of this trip to Walgreen's flashed $109.05 which I did not budget for and I have to fill my Nexium next week which is $60 more bucks, (unless I can find a coupon I actually qualify for.)
On the bright side my eye doctor finally got my insurance company to approve Restasis which is freaking $60 buck a roos, hopefully it will help with my severe dry eyes. I am crossing the fingers in hopes that this helps since the only other thing that helps is Prednisone, but my Rheumatolist will not allow me to take Prednisone long term. Why? apparently the side effects, which by the way I am not normal and my body reacts for the most part opposite of normal so what ever is listed, the opposite applies to me, and to top if off my entire family (both sides mind you) have taken this drug for extended time like freaking decades.
Like usual I figure out a trend with my drugs, and I then test my theory, I noticed that every time I was on Prednisone ALL my inflammation disappears when I take it, to prove, I managed to convince him to give me a month's worth and this past December was the first time in over 2 years that I felt normal and could go outside with no sun glasses on.
The funniest thing of all I normally get a week or 2 worth when my partoid glands flare. Guess what started to flare this week, lol, my left partoid gland is freaking swelling up big time. My Oncologhist and my freaking eye doctor both understand and agreed when I explained why I should be allowed to have Prednisone long-term, but I have to convince my Rheumatologist.
Back to my eye appointment, I learned that the glands on the bottom of my eyes the ones that have been inflamed is due to my one of many skin issues lovely Rosacea, which I totally forgot I had along with the Eczema/Contact Dermatitis (mostly hands and knees) and Psoriasis (Scalp and Elbows). . Ugh, so I now have to take an antibiotic called Minocycline that has a side effect of Photosenstivity, hmmm yeah I already have that in spades at least it only cost $5. Problem is the pharmacy only had like 5 pills so I will have to go back hopefully soon to get the rest of that prescription along with my Evoac Prescription. Over the counter wise I had to pick up Thera Tears SteriLid eyelid cleanser, according to my instructions on the printout from my Doctor I have to use this 4 times a week. Not sure how long this one small bottle is going to last hopefully a month since it is $15 buck a roos.
As I figured the trip to Chapel Hill drained the body allot the crappy weather didn't help either to top it off it looks like a very bad flare is taking hold of my body. When we got back from the Hill the girls and Tonya stopped in to visit, and then Skylar wanted to watch Ghostbusters 2, since we had watched the first one over the weekend. By the time the movie ended it was Skylar bed time, Carrie actually had already passed out and not too long later I hit the sack. Yeah I woke up the next morning long enough to watch some Dog the Bounty Hunter, eat some food take my medicine which was late, meaning my body wasn't very happy and was hurting.
Once the meds took effect I went back to bed, I was briefly awoken as kitty was pawing me to see if it was safe to snuggle since it was cold, once she determined I was too tired to toss and turn she snuggled between my calves. So we Sleep from 11pm to 9am then 11am to 5pm. If the body is still aching and the gland swollen on Sunday I will have to email the doctor for some Prednisone, and email both my rheumatologist and oncologist about the pain and soreness.
My next appointment will be my oncologist in Feb and then Rheumatology in March. I also still need to make appointment with my ENT, Dermatologist, GI Doctor and GYN. I am not looking forward to the Dermatologist cause I need to get my prescriptions which will not make my bank account happy, And lets not forget the dentist but I have to get some insurance for that first another expensive appointment that I can't afford anytime soon which doesn't bod well for my teeth that haven't been capped and are crumbling as I type. Already had to that have crumbled away and another that is in the very back that is half way gone. All because I have no saliva and a mouth that is drier than the Sahara Desert.