Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Eye Anatomy and Disorders: An in-depth look at to my latest Dx

Eye Anatomy and Disorders:  An in-depth look at to my latest Dx

Since Carolina seems to like to give degrees out (sorry I had too), I should be a Doctor by now, with free parking and a salary.

As many now I have been battling one thing after another since 12/2007 when I stepped on the UNC Hospital Grounds.  I never really liked science I even figured out how to get out of High School Chemistry and still managed to get accepted to State, UNC-Wilmington, Charlotte and UNC, by taking Marine Biology instead and believe or not it was harder to get into State which was the last school I got into cause dummy me picked the School of Design as my first choice luckily they had started a new program 1st year college that had space.   Well back to the topic, Medical Terminology and learning the diseases, treatments, and reading medical journals and studies.

Both my cancer Triple Negative Breast Cancer and autoimmune disease Sjogren ’s syndrome are newer discovered disease’s which doctors are still studying and learning.   From what I have learned from fellow patients and recent studies there may be a correlation between Breast Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders.   My case seems to be one that other now has other doctor’s pouring over my file according to my oncologist. 

I have had a few questions about terminology and why cauterization.  So today’s lesson is an overview of eye structure and definition of my dx

First let’s take a look at the Structure of the Eye:

Dx. 1 Posterior blepharitis- this issue involves the Meiomian gland as noted in Figure 2 at the bottom, according to dry-eyes-leaflet, the gland is responsible for making an olly liquid called Lipid which covers the outer layer of the tear film.  This layer of the eye is supposed to reduce evaporation of the watery tears and keep the tear surface smooth.

Sjogren’s is an autoimmune disorder that loves to cause inflammation and destroy glands within the body.  As we learned early in science water plays a vital role within the human body, according to the USCG “Up to 60% of the human adult body is water.”  

In laymen terms my immune system is attacking (inflaming) the Melomian Gland that is responsible for lubricating my eye

Cells of the conjunctiva at the front of the eye and inner part of the eyelids also make a small amount of mucus-like fluid. This allows the watery tears to spread evenly over the surface of the eye.

The tears then drain down small channels (canaliculi) on the inner side of the eye into a tear sac. From here they flow down a channel called the tear duct (also called the nasolacrimal duct) into the nose.”  http://www.patient.co.uk/health/dry-eyes-leaflet

Part 2: Coming soon: Steps that lead to Cauterization and how it is done preview

Another pill really? Now on board Gabapentin

If I am not mistaken this was one of the drugs mentioned by the neurologist when my sleep study was done but the Gastro doctors wanted another drug.  My Rheumatologist actually wanted to put me on Lyrica but my insurance company said no it had to be Gabapentin.   I had to get money from my sister to get this latest medication, over the last 3 months my Pharmacy bill has exploded due to my immune system savage attack on my eyes.  The month of September is not going to be a good month, I want to attend the Metastic Breast Cancer Convention being held at chapel hill on Sept. 19-21st but not sure if that will be possible since I will have a pre-op appt on Sept 17th and day surgery Sept 30th which means money spent traveling to and from the coast. http://mbcn.org/

Back to the new drug, this drug is being used to address soft tissue pain as my Rheumatologist put it, basically when I wake up 90% of the time it feels like I have been pelted with paint balls or worked out for 12 hours.  I also periodically thru the day have the feeling of muscle soreness after doing simple tasks as washing dishes and even when in rest mode.   I am already taken Flexeril for the fibromaylagia whose side effect is dry mouth (which is already really bad before the meds), we had already tried switching to Cymbalta and that was a complete failure.  It didn't take long for me and my Oncologist to figure out exactly how much pain the flexeril was blocking.  So the plan is now to take the Flexeril at night only instead 3x a day and take the new drug Gabapentin 2x a day.

On top of all that the nerve test I had a couple of months ago confirmed what Dr. R thought was causing all the issues with my hands severe carpal tunnel in both hands.  This isn't the first time I heard the word Carpal Tunnel that is how I got off the register at Walmart and on the floor.  I was scanning a bucket of kitty on register 1 (before the remodel when McDonald's was still in Walmart)  when not only me but the girls at the Service desk heard the pop, me almost drop the F-bomb as the kitty litter lands harmlessly on the counter.  Even the CSM heard and I was sent to the back handed worker comp papers and was off to Urgent Care.  Funny thing fast forward  20 years and the spot where the tendon popped is a ganglion that apparently has been there a significant time to the point where my body re-routed nerves and veins around it.  So I wonder if Walmart can pick up what my insurance didn't cover for the nerve test since after all it is the Cash Register and the Kitty litter fault....lol..................I have 2 options shots that want last long or surgery, I took option 3 neither...and those wrist guards they say use are freaking useless and actually causes me more pain.

I am working on 2 more in-dept post the first  I will be focusing on the anatomy of the eyes and explaining treatments in depth there has been some confusing and many questions such as why cauterize tear ducts?  Also taking an in-depth look at Gabapentin.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Eyes are Underattack

Recap What is Sjogrens?

Sjogren's syndrome is a disease that causes dryness in your mouth and eyes. It can also lead to dryness in other places that need moisture, such as your nose, throat and skin. Most people who get Sjogren's syndrome are older than 40. Nine of 10 are women. Sjogren's syndrome is sometimes linked to rheumatic problems such asrheumatoid arthritis.

Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease. If you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system, which is supposed to fight disease, mistakenly attacks parts of your own body. In Sjogren's syndrome, your immune system attacks the glands that make tears and saliva. It may also affect your joints, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, digestive organs and nerves. The main symptoms are:
Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms.
NIH: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

The cause of Sjögren's syndrome is not known, but it is considered an autoimmune disorder.
Normally, the immune system acts to protect the body from external threats like germs. When a person has an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks the body instead.

If you have Sjögren's syndrome, this attack typically starts with your moisture-producing glands, which are called the exocrine glands. You need healthy exocrine glands to produce saliva and tears. These glands also produce moisture needed in the vaginal area, and in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestine) and respiratory tract (airway and lungs). If your exocrine glands fail to create enough moisture, you may experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms.

People with this disease have abnormal proteins in their blood suggesting that their immune system, which normally functions to protect the body against cancers and invading infections, is reacting against their own tissue. The decreased production of tears and saliva seen in Sjögren's syndrome occurs when the glands that produce these fluids are damaged by inflammation. Research suggests that genetic factors and possibly viral infections (as yet unidentified) may predispose people to developing this condition.

Researchers think Sjögren's syndrome is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Several different genes appear to be involved, but scientists are not certain exactly which ones are linked to the disease since different genes seem to play a role in different people. For example, there is one gene that predisposes Caucasians to the disease. Other genes are linked to Sjögren's in people of Japanese, Chinese and African American descent. However simply having one of these genes will not cause a person to develop the disease. Some sort of trigger must activate the immune system.


Now to the latest attack if destrouing my teeth, having glands forever swollen that at times can throb for hours and no amount of pain medication stops it, my only recourse is first massaging it out and if that doesn't work a prescription of Predisone.   My sinus continue to drain 24-7 something that began in 2008 when I started Chemo and hasn't ended, it drains down my throat  phlegm constantly changing color clear, white, yellow, green then start all over again..  It flows down creating other issues coughing as the phlegm gets stuck in my dry throat, or makes it down to my stomach upsetting it and if it is in the morning I will end up throwing it up causes it sends me into a coughing fit that results in anything in the stomach coming up and if there isn't anything than hello stomach acid.   For the most part I am use to the sinus infections and increase sleep when I realize an infection is trying to start, I have to keep a close eye cause Brochitis and Walking Pneumia are two of my new best friends,  looking back thru my medical journal we have determined I have had Sjogren's since I was 6 months old.   I was plagued with ear infections since I was born and constantly have swollen Eustachian tubes that effected my hearing during my early years that resulted in intense Speech Therapy in Elementary school that was suppose to continue till  I graduated but the fact I was shipped off to Tabernacle an almost hour bus trip to school that didn't have the money for a Speech therapist and at that time the plant my dad had worked at for 15 years had closed meaning no money for a private tutor.   I would learn in my last year in college that I qualified and could have gotten assistance in college, after a professor asked if English was my 2nd language, I said no and said I had been in speech therapy, apparently I never learned certain syllables due to decrease in hearing at certain levels.   As the years have passed my immune system has chipped away at my hearing if English isn't your first language, best text me, and if your from India like most computer help lines don't even bother calling.

I have to wait till next month to make an appointment to get my ear's checked at the ENT since my Eustachian tubes are swollen shut and sinus are draining, then off to Dermatology to figure out what is causing red spots with intense itching when I go outside and sweat just a little.  Staying inside and limiting water and anything else that is a chemical or has perfume off my skin, so much better no more red, cracked, painful hands.   It sucks though since I love the outdoors and the beach but at this point is my enemy.

Now to the latest victim of Sjogren's my Eye's, there is no way to describe the pain caused when one's eye is dry, and having to wear glasses when ever you are up and especially when going outside.  My oncologist jaw dropped when I read off the list of shit that has happened since she saw me in April.

 Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)

Still waiting for the Surgical Girl to call about setting up my appointment to get all 4 tear ducts cauterized, yes this can be done in office with numbing agents and needles.  Let's just say my experience with this didn't go over well many of you may have read my posts on facebook about those adventures. .

I am looking over my paperwork the new system UNC has implemented to see what exactly is going on with my eyes, the constant which is the Primary symptom of Dry Eye that is listed all reports then starting in April in order:

Visit 1
Dry mouth and eyes
Dry eye Syndrome
Disorder of Eye Region
Posterior bepharitis
Plugs removed, scratch on cornea found, in office cauterization of top tear ducts,  Numbing worked good, didn't feel the needles but sure felt the burning of the dang torch.  Felt like I was in a horror movie a orange ember coming towards my eye and burning skin smell...ugh...

Visit 2
Dry mouth and eyes
Dry Eye Syndrome
Eye Disorder
Sty, Internal
Tear ducts reopened, cauterization of bottom tear ducts in office.  This time around they left the numbing gauze in too long which irritated and dried my already dry eyes out, and the needles nothing like feeling the pinch of a needle in your EYE..............Will not be awake ever again for this procedure, although I didn't feel the burn this time if that is any compensation.

Visit 3
Disorder of cornea of eye-Primary
Dry eye syndrome
Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of eye
Discovered Tear Ducts have reopened AGAIN

The nurses were a little taken back at how laid back I was considering how bad my eyes are, and the level of pain they cause.  My reply there isn't anything I can do about it, and when you have been dealing with the "bad news" that you hear rolling out of the doctors mouth since 2008, you come to a point of saying whatever.

For the most part I am stuck inside tell the sunsets or the clouds and rain take over which sucks.  My eyes are constantly gritty, burning, throbbing, light sensitive which is exasperated due to 2 drugs whose side effects are wait...........may cause Light Sensitivity...Really?

I guess my anthem or entrance music should be "I wear my sunglasses at night..so I..."