Apparently I had the overhead lights on to long and the blinds open waiting for the mail man who never showed meant a very painful eye. My left eye seems to be worse than my right I guess that has to do with the glands on that side being more swollen. My ENT believes that the radiation I received to fight my cancer further damaged the glands.
The pain is excruciating a pulsing behind the eye, the cheek red and inflamed, tenderness to touch the check bone and gland, the veins on my temple pulsating kinda like the incredible hulk veins as he is about to It took about an hour after I cut the over head light off and closed the blinds for the pain to subside, but I still have slight bulging behind the eye but the intense pain has subsided. I only have to lamps on which have incandescent bulbs, which tragically are being phased out due to the government. I am all for energy conservation but not at the risk to my health, the new energy light bulbs are not good for Sjogren's Patients. Florescent lights are bad for the eyes and some of these new lights are bad for your health, LED lights can cause damage to one's eye, On top of that Compact fluorescent light bulbs, or CFLs, emit high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Outdoors and Beach are my favorite past-times but now I have to watch and limit my exposure to the sun. I remember as a child spending all day at the beach mom making us get up at the crack of dawn and we were at the beach by 8 or 9 am and stayed till 2 to 3 pm. On the way home a stop at Hardees for some chicken, a shower once we get home and nine times out of ten a nap was called for. Those were the days when there was no car seats and mom drove around with 6 to 12 kids piled into the station wagon, age determining seating which meant my ass was always in the trunk.
Hopefully with long sleeve my floppy hat and some wrap around sunglasses I will be able to go at least a couple of times. My hope is I will be able to spend most of my time in the water body boarding of just swimming. Still waiting for the possibility of a skate rink reopening with new ownership but not holding breath. Trying to see if I can find a rink closer than the one's in Wilmington. .What I need is to win some money in a lottery purchase some land and build in an indoor/outdoor skate rink, arcade, lazer tag, play ground and put put. Why? Cause kids have absolutetly nothing to do and don't say City and County Recreation. I was an intern for the city and if I had a kid he/she would never be in any after school or summer program it was basically a place for the kids to run wild doing what ever, when ever, where ever. I guess i had high expectations being trained counselor for the YMCA and Camp Seafarer.
Are city yes it is a city has a mean age of 26 meaning lots of kids from 0 to 18 that need guidance and a place to hang to meet new friends. I did a cost analyst on my Skate Rink/Play Place and one would have no problem making ends meets and provided the city a service. It would be year around with camps for kids on traditional calendars, those on tracks, and after school day care. Enough on that long lost will never happen plan.
I go back to UNC eye clinic on Monday not really looking forward too it, since it hurt like crazy last time. But I want to find a semi solution for this eye flare that seems to get worse as the days past. Not being able to read or write on my computer for more than 5 minutes is frustration and blurry vision is aggravating There was a time I could read a 900 page book in a day sadly that is nolonger the case. Even typing this is a task in its self, no tears means my vision is blurry, even though I have 20/20 vision I need a magnifying glass to read it. I also need light but since I can't have overhead I have to use a flashlight.
The extreme fatigue seems to be slowly creeping back with last month being busy with doctor appointments and a funeral. Sadly my cousin who was dx with Triple Negative Breast Cancer almost a year after me lost her battle rather suddenly. Talked to her a week prior about her latest treatment, thought about her the Sunday before her desk, was going to call her on Monday but that dread brain fog I forgot then on Tuesday she was free from Pain.
Cancer has taking way too many in my family my Aunt Annette in 1996, my mom in 2006 and now my cousin Brenda 2014. We also lost our young cousin to ALS she atleast got to meet her goal of reaching high school, and 16.